
What Makes my Approach Unique?

I Believe Mindfulness Expedites Change

Mindfulness is our capacity to be aware of our experience in a non-judgemental way. While mindfulness is used in meditation, it can also be used to improve communication within teams as well as between family members.  When a leader or family member employees mindfuless to their development, they can make intentional changes to their interactions with others.

Applying mindfulness in real time to key business & family relationships allows a person to notice and alter their instinctual reactions. This can expedite change throughout the organization and family on so many levels.

I Apply Systems Theory

Systems Theory looks at how relationships within an organization or a family are structured and connected to the whole.  Systems Theory holds that people don’t exist in isolation; instead, they are part of a complex system with a myriad of relationships. Difficulties emerge when communication breaks down and alignment is lost in key relationships within their system.

Whether I am working with an owner, a leader, or an enterprising family, I am constantly assessing the web of relationships that surround them. I encourage direct conversations between key stakeholders in order to foster alignment around a shared vision.  For both organizations and family businesses, when there is alignment between people and purpose, then results naturally follow.

I facilitate communication about feelings AND money

When the human side of an enterprise is functioning at its best, then the business generally operates and performs at its best. However, this is a tall order, especially for family enterprises. Conversations that involve both emotions AND money are among the most difficult to be had. Yet, this is precisely what business families must learn how to do and do well if they are to succesfully transition their business, their wealth, and their leadership to the next generation.